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To Serve and Protect

In this socio-political satire, Luther, a black man working security in an urban neighborhood, trains to fulfill his dream of becoming a police officer. His best friend, Jesus, juxtaposes Luther's optimism by criticizing the systemic and institutional racism present in America.


In Luther's last day as a security guard before earning his badge as a police officer, he gets the opportunity to become a "hero" in his community by taking down an armed robber.


the film
The facts


Justice in a Black and White World

To Serve and Protect was inspired by real-life events. In our divisive social landscape, race relations remains a tumultuous topic. Issues of inequality, marginalization, and bias remain rampant while the causes and implications are becoming more complex. This film examines these pertinent issues through a satirical, comedic lens, offering audiences insight into the minority experience in urban America via an engaging yet profound narrative.


This film explores major areas of concern in our society: education, incarceration, income, and occupation, among others. Our hope is to shed light on these pressing issues through film, and contribute to the growing dialogue surrounding inequality within communities across the US.

The mission


Why This Story Matters

Our mission is to champion equality by highlighting critical racial issues at the forefront of our national social stage.

Backed by comprehensive statistical research, the Center on Poverty and Inequality asserts, “profound racial and ethnic inequalities...persist in many domains,” including crime rates, housing, employment, and health.  These disparities make it increasingly difficult for individuals to climb the socio-economic ladder, and our current institutions--rife with implicit bias--often widen the opportunity gaps for the most vulnerable populations. This results in more disparities which further strain our cultural relations.


Important Statistics:

1. 59% of US inmates are people of color, yet only 29% of US residents are people of color (2010 census)

2. Poverty rates: Black-21.2%, Hispanic-18.3%, White-8.7% (2018 Census Bureau)

3. 1 in 3 black men will go to prison (Bureau of Justice Statistics)

4. People of color are 3x more likely to be searched during a traffic stop vs. whites (Bureau of Justice Statistics)

5. African Americans are 4x more likely to experience the use of force during police encounters (Bureau of Justice Statistics)

6. Students of Color are expelled from school at 2.5x the rate of white students (US Dept. of Education)

7. College graduation rate of white populations is 2x that of Black and Hispanic populations (USN&WR, Lindsey Cook)

8. Children in single parent households: Black-67%, Hispanic-42%, Native American-53%, White-25% (CDC, Aug 2012)

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